Please help us help our young people move from care to career via higher education
The Eve Brook Scholarship Fund is a registered charity and is funded purely on the basis of private and charitable donations and fundraising events. As a small group of volunteers we work extremely hard to raise as much money as we can. The success of our past beneficiaries inspires us to keep going! see who we have helped and see current beneficiaries
We always need more help, however, both in cash and in-kind.
Currently we raise around £30,000 each year and spend it in supporting young care leavers to access and succeed in higher education. We are proud to say over 95% of what we raise is spent on young people.
We are usually able to pay the fees of 4 or 5 young people each year and make small contributions for other young people. We could do so much more if we had additional funding, particularly regular monthly or annual payments. Working closely with the Birmingham Children’s Trust we try to plug the gaps in funding by
- providing the little extras that parents would provide for undergraduate students
- supporting young asylum seekers where mainstream funding is not available
- and for funding successful care leavers who need help to pay their fees for a Masters degree through our Postgraduate Bursary.
We are now finding a lot more worthy applicants for our funds. We really do need more help from donations, particularly regular ones. This is certainly a case where every little helps.
Here’s a few ways you can help:
- Take out a monthly standing order. It can be a little as you like (say £5), or as large (£……)! To download a standing order form, and a gift aid form, GO TO
- Another good idea, taken up by a number of our supporters, is to donate your winter fuel payment to the EBSF, if you can afford it of course.
- Or, why not make a one off donation via our Donate Now button on this page or by cheque (see Contact us for address)
- Undertake an EBSF sponsored activity such as a fun run, half marathon, full marathon, etc.
- Attend our on-going programme of fundraising events, details elsewhere on this web site. Go to our events page
- Buy some of our Christmas cards
We are very grateful to those who give regularly to the Fund, including other charities who provide around up to £15,000 a year.